Spirituality is best expressed thoughtlessly

"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance"; "Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side and it holds the universe together"; "I had a dream last night, I was eating a 10 lb. marshmallow. I woke up this morning and the pillow was gone"; "When a man's best friend is a dog, that dog has a problem"; Humor is a man's best friend, followed by a dog waiting to curl up at your feet; People have brilliant minds until they are made up... made up to be exclusive to other ideas that may hold truth.

Friday, July 22, 2011

do be do be do be do

alternate being and doing and being and doing, possibilites for consciousness to choose from, this is the basic understanding of awareness. Electrons are objects of possibility; we can not tell where an electron will be from different experiments; but is an object of possibility. Molecules, atomic combinations and mutation happening at the microscopic level. This is the basis of quantum physics.
we collectively are one with mystical thought and resonance.
As we act we also must be, never one without the other.
Waves of thought coming across our mind's ocean,
let those thoughts come and go as we learn
what consciousness is as a greater cosmic consciousness.
We need our limitations to do, to create, no thought
of god as perfect, only the possibility exists of perfection.
All possibilities exist in that ground of being simultaneously, perfection.
Manifestations require limitations to manifest, evolution is making better
and better manifestations from the egoic limitations and as these limitations
in morphogenetic fields correspond to the new behaviors, approaching evolving mind with problems we grow into new awareness...
with love. Supramental in the physical, becomes heaven manifested on earth. If consciousness is limited to physical how can it manifest? It is only local consciousness that can get too limited. There is no subject or object in reality and egoistic awareness alone only leads to problems of separation and suffering. If we have evolution physically, how can we not have evolution of consciousness? Consciousness is the ground of all being. Matter is made of consciousness. Dualism no longer exists. We are interconnected with each other. Beware of the materialist world view; it is separateness not unity. Our mind's remind us of our limitations, our frailties. It leads to degeneration, separation, non unity. So we need to change first. Approach things with love. Love your enemy? Yes, we are killing ourself if we kill our enemy. This evolution is changing in and of our mind's. We have to change in such a way that quantum physics says, start with your self, but remember other's as we grow and change, concern for everyone. This is still not enough. Let's work and pray. The dance creates transformation. Love work pray love work pray love work pray love work humor. Pray. Transformation will occur. We are expanding and manifesting of a whole. Spirtuality and the mundane and physical can all be achieved, achieving yet higher consciousness involved in the whole of cosmic consciousness.

written by Aaron

Amit Goswami, dead on with his understanding of both egoic and cosmic needs for transformation to occur. Taking the whole into a higher consciousness.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Soils must have humus

Organic rich soils will soak up water like a sponge letting out trickles of water that become streams, lakes, that we live by. Organic soils soak up twenty times the amount of water, healing and building abundant soil that is rich and good and grows life amazingly. When monsoons occur in parts of the world, this water is soaked up and not lost in a vast current where droughts following making life almost impossible. The monsoon rain is stored in the soil that is humus and rich for life to team after monsoons are gone. This also helps us cope with climate change.

Earth Democracy

We need to live according to the Earth and soil. We can not put our clumsy footprints on farmer's soils elsewhere. The grains, beans and life we grow out of the earth must be sustainable; we must protect and preserve moist topsoil that can not be blown away or washed away. Soil is living and has life that we must all abide by. Love is given to the soil, and the soil rotated properly gives you your only chance of life.

Aaron and info from Dirt! the documentary

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mortal and pestilence grind away the years

I can blame no one else for what you are about to experience.
When he whispered back from the mirror
The fool Obscenity Justice stood there listening in bandages,
smiling at his own desired brand of justice.
Even Death Nellie wanted ashes spread as proof of justice...but at what cost?

After so many personal losses Obscenity and Death decided to paint their totems calling it "dancing with angels in a carnalval night."
If truth be told, it will only come through fall leaves whispering through you, spring flower and fern calling out so that your pores even know.
No ghosts or apparitions to hold your hand. No shrunken idols with PhDs.
Only the electricity of loving touch.

As scary as subtle truth can be, it would never scar a child. No brethren would take out contracts.
It's different for Justice as it is for Nellie, guisers and graveyards, issuing bubbling froth, mirthy earth, even the sea whispers thru spray and gliders on the wind.
The crucifix tagged on the tomb time capsule hovers in frozen earth and stone issuing truth on the backs of hundreds of ants.
Do new generations plagiarize? The stones rattle in their earthen births and know nothing to be different. Same as a trilobite.

Will be no different than the battles fought in ancient Greece and Rome. I hear the shells in the desert resonating from the burned eyelids and parched throats of the desert fathers.
So it comes to this. Can you look into a mirror and hear the truth whether it involves justice? Can you look no matter what eyes stare back at you? Can you take a tube of ochre and draw a circle around the fool's head and laugh together?

There never was a box, a throne, a maze, only simple hovels and squares and triangles and circles.